domina veneni, lady of venom

carrd for celina levoux
a bitter and pale bloom

the hanami apothecary


Tucked away in a back alley of the Rakuza District of Kugane, you find yourself stepping into what was told to be the best apothecary in the whole city. As you enter, your senses are immediately bombarded with the scents of strong herbs and florals, decadent incense, and a lingering smell of something sweet… vanilla, perhaps? The shop is dimly lit, save for the lanterns that adorn the corners here and there, but you can clearly see amidst the wood and tatami a plethora of flowers and other plants growing in planters all across. From brightlilies to byregotias, all matter of florals can be found, it is almost as if this apothecary was also a florist.
“My… what lovely aether you have,” a bell-like voice rings melodically and brings you back to the present and reality. Behind the counter stands a petite woman, hair as bright as fresh snow. But what stands out are her golden eyes, seemingly glowing in the lowlight of the lanterns. They are piercing, holding you in her gaze. The bright red kimono she wears and her makeup, dark and dramatic, contrasts with her porcelain skin. The only thing you can think of is how doll-like she appears, possibly too perfect in a world like yours. You can only deduce that she is the woman locals speak of. Domina Veneni.Some say she is a Garlean defector, others claim she is the secret paramour of Lord Hien. A former Scion of the Seventh Dawn, yet some would question the validity of that rumor. After all, why would the Warrior of Light consort with a woman like her? Many say she is caring, but with a venomous bite, her alchemical skills outmatched by none, her healing techniques of high quality and standard. And yet, others would note that if there were a chance for you to seek revenge on another, Domina Veneni would be the woman to seek. After all, who better to get poisons from than the Lady of Venom herself?“What is it that you seek, darling? I don’t have all night,” she chides you with a mischievous sneer. Smoke flows from her dark red lips, a kiseru pipe hanging limply in her hand. Those golden eyes are still trained on you, her nails rapping against the wood over and over. “Tell me what it is you desire.”

celina levoux ,

every petal in life's garden will be swept away by the wind of time.

GENERAL .•   name   :   Celina jen viator Levoux
•   alias   :   Lina
•   gender   :   she/her (cis woman)
•   orientation   :   bi/pansexual
•   race   :   half-Doman hyur/half-Garlean
•   age   :   28 - 30 years old
•   occupation   :   alchemist/ninja (non-wol), former Scion of the Seventh Dawn
PHYSICAL .•   eyes   :   yellow-gold
•   hair   :    snow white
•   height   :  5'3"/~160cm
•   weight   :   145-150 lbs
•   build   :   curvy, little to no muscle
•   scent   :   jasmine, bergamot, and vanilla
•   voice claim   :  found here
MENTAL .•   alignment   :   chaotic good
•   traits   :   calm and collected (usually) but easy to fluster, calculated, sarcastic, snobbish at times, ultimately kindhearted within
•   likes   :   sweets (lemon and strawberry flavors specifically), alchemy, poisons, perfume making, luxury items, long baths, fluffy animals, flowers/botany
•   dislikes   :   overly pompous people, politics/politicians, natto, sour flavors, bugs

BACKGROUND.•   birthplace   :   Garlemald
•  current residence   :   Doma/Kugane
•   parents   :   Saeko Shinazugawa (mother, deceased), Pietro mal Levoux (father, deceased)
Celina is an intelligent young woman with vast knowledge on the world of alchemy and ninjutsu. She considers herself an expert in the field of alchemy, and is continuously striving to create new medicines to heal the sick and wounded. Despite her cold outer appearance, she has a warm heart, often extending her aid to those in need. Armed with a sharp tongue, she is not afraid to speak her mind, often inserting her opinions in matters that may not concern her. Some akin her words to venom, claiming she can have a vicious and acidic bite when angered. Celina is merely passionate on what she believes is right and true, but often times, is too stubborn to let go of her own preconceived notions to allow the opinions of others. However, when proven wrong, she is quick to be humble, and, begrudgingly in some cases, apologize. While she may come off as confident at times, she secretly struggles with her own self-worth.

DOMINA VENENI.A self-imposed title given to herself as she perfected the art of poison-making. Roughly translating to "Lady of Venom", Celina used terms that were often weaponized against her by both the Garlean and Doman people, disliked by both sides of her heritage, seen as a "white viper" and "curse" due to the misfortune that seemed to follow her in her youth and the sharpness of her tongue. SHINOBI MEDIC. A form of ninjutsu created on her own. Using a combination of her knowledge in alchemy and apothecary works with ninjutsu, Celina has perfected a form of fighting that allows her to heal and boost others physical capabilities. With her own personal strength weakened significantly after Endwalker, acting as a medic in the field while maintaining her own autonomy in a battle while aiding others has been key to her survival. ILL-FATED ILLNESS. Celina unfortunately suffers from an unknown illness that attacks her body from within, causing her body temperature to be lower than normal as well as struggles with her heart and lungs. Due to the multiple near-death experiences she has endured, particularly after her tempered self was defeated at Tower of Babil, her life expectancy has been cut down drastically. She believes she will only live to her mid-40s. Thus, she struggles to accept love and give it to others.

reference sheet created by @FeralCitrus on twitter!

Born to a Doman mother and a Garlean father, Celina Levoux was considered incredibly unlucky. She was born sickly, with an incurable illness that would come close to taking her life many times in her youth. Along with her frail and weak constitution and body, Celina had the world against her, at least, the world of Garlemald. As a half-Garlean, she was ridiculed and spat upon, alongside her Doman mother, for being outsiders to the land. Her only times of respite and clarity were the summers in Doma she spent with her mother, permitted only to travel there due to her father's influence within the Empire. In Doma, she befriended the then young prince Hien, who would be her very closest friend.
Life would be difficult for the young girl, but she would persevere. Blessed with a bright mind, Celina excelled in academics, and when she grew old enough, attended the Royal Magitek Academy, where she studied alchemical and biomedical studies, the same as her father. By the time she turned 13, her third-eye appeared, a rare occurrence for half-Garleans but not unheard of. This would cause strife upon her trips to Doma, the people seeing her as a curse. The Garleans would still not take kindly to her despite her third-eye, saying it was wasted on someone like her.Her father, Pietro, focused on research concerning aether and was devote in finding a way for Garleans to be able to manipulate it. Celina, also curious in this endeavor, willingly subjected herself to her father's experimental drug trials. For years, she aided him in the lab, but during her 17th summer, a tragedy occurred. A drug that showed promise ended up causing Celina to be declared dead for at least four minutes. The only thing that kept her alive was the fragmented soul of her ancient, Nike, who brought her to life, albeit, in an aetherical coma.

During her coma, tragedy would continue to fall upon the Levoux family. In his grief, Pietro would attempt to destroy his research, claiming it was far too dangerous, and earning the ire of the 1st Legion, who would subsequently raid the Levoux home. During this raid, incriminating evidence of Celina's mother's (Saeko) treason would be found, the Doman woman murdered as a result. Upon his wife's death and his daughter still in a coma, Pietro succumbs to his grief, and in a last ditch effort to prevent his dangerous research from seeing light again, he burned his lab with himself in it, leaving a journal of the events that transpired in a bag at home for Celina to find.While in her coma, Celina would be visited by Emet-Selch, otherwise known as Hades. Due to her being the shard of Nike, Hades' sister, Emet-Selch would use the collected shards of Nike he had gathered across time and have them placed in Celina, causing her to become 12 times rejoined. He did this in hopes of resurrecting his sister, but all it did was turn Celina's then brown hair white and give her memories of a woman she did not know. Despite wanting to see his sister, Hades knew of Nike's free spirit, and knew that it would be best to allow Celina to awaken on her own, thus leaving her be.When Celina woke up from her coma and subsequently found her father's journal detailing the tragic events, she was overcome with pain and guilt. Her fear of staying in Garlemald only grew, and after some time, she managed to escape to Kugane. Here, she cut her hair, removing any traces of the brunette she once was, and worked to earn enough gil to grant her passage to Eorzea. While she considered Doma her second home, she could not return, as she feared putting the royal family in peril by harboring an escapee. She carefully hid her third-eye to pass as a mere hyur only.

Life in Eorzea would not be so simple, as her identity as a Garlean was immediately exposed upon arriving in Limsa Lominsan. She would be put on trial by Admiral Merlwyb and would plead her innocence, begging for a second chance at life. With her father's journal and Doman trinkets she saved from her mother, Celina was able to convince the admiral to let her go, on one condition: she would be monitored by the Rogue's Guild for at least a year. During this probation, Celina would be under the careful and watchful eye of the Rogue's Guild, and should they deem her a threat, would be swiftly taken care of. Celina accepted this offer.After a year in the Rogue's Guild, it was clear that Celina was not a threat to Eorzea, but yet another victim of the Garlean empire. She would join the Rogue's Guild as a ninja and informant, specializing on gathering information, using whatever means necessary. She also improved upon her alchemical work, perfecting medicines and poisons alike to be used by the guild. She would later join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn alongside the Warrior of Light during A Realm Reborn.

rp hooks

BASIC HOUSEKEEPING. If any of these hooks or Lina in general interests you, feel free to shoot me a DM! Some notes:
- no minors (21+)
- casual rp in game = okay!
- long-term rp = discussed prior
- no erp
- Lina is a non-wol and I am willing to bend her canon for rp but I will not alter her personality or being for the sake of another. Take her as she is or leave.

Are you in need of healing? Medicine? Something for your aches and pains? Or perhaps, you are looking for flowers and herbs or other items to stock your wares? The Hanami Apothecary has everything you will need, plus expert advice from it’s owner. Celina would love nothing more than to aid you, especially if it involves good conversation.

If the daytime version doesn’t suit you, then perhaps you are in search of items deemed more dangerous than what the normal person would seek. Poisons, particularly strong and dangerous tinctures, even plants that may be considered illegal in some areas, all can be found at the Hanami Apothecary. However, you’ll only gain access to these wares at night, and if you manage to convince Celina that you are to be trusted. She’ll only sell to those whom she’ll know won’t end up harming her in the end, and if their cause fits her standard of justice. I hope you like convincing others, she’ll need a lot of it.

   A CUP OF SAKE OR A SLICE OF CAKE. Celina is often found at the Shiokaze Hostelry. If you desire to strike up a conversation with her, please know you may end up buying her a drink or one of her favorite sweet treats. She has a sweet tooth, and may be willing to open up more to those who exploit this (maybe).

   THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. Ever the lover of flowers, Celina has dedicated part of her life to exploring these beauties of life. An avid florist, she keeps flowers all over the apothecary of all kinds (you may even find the family of Road Sparrows that are nesting in her hydrangeas). Bring up flowers and you may pique her interest, to the point she will assign you a flower she has begun associating with you.

Reserved to those who would want to implement Celina into their lore as either a fellow Scion or even a childhood friend during her times in both Garlemald and Doma. Prior discussion of this is needed.

   A WILTED AND WITHERING BLOOM. “There is no such thing as an incurable illness,” is something Celina will probably say to you before requests your aid. She will probably ask you either for your knowledge on the healing arts, experience with gathering botanicals, or even if you’re simply willing to work as her “assistant”. Turns out, she is searching for a cure to an illness you have no knowledge of. Whether she tells you the truth of who these failed drugs are for is up to you.

   AU DRK LINA. An AU where Celina acts as an antihero and observer to the WoL and their story. This AU involves Celina awakening to the shards of Nike placed within her, but instead of joining the ascians, she wanders the world to make her own decision on its fate. If you are interested in this concept, feel free to shoot me a DM and we can discuss it!

call me bri ,

about me

hi there! my name is bri, i'm a 30 year half-cuban, half-greek american cis woman (she/her). irl i am a bird biologist and work on coastal species. i'm an avid final fantasy xiv player and do all kinds of content, from extremes, savages, and ultimates, to just casual stuff with my friends. i am taken irl by my wonderful partner, anthony, and currently live with him and our dog, ollie. besides xiv, i enjoy all the final fantasy games, specifically ff4 and ff7, as well as other games like honkai star rail.i am usually pretty shy about rp in game but have enjoyed the group sessions i’ve been involved in! i tend to prefer rp while in a group or a discord server. i must reiterate that lina is not me and any interaction you have with me as lina is not a reflection of can find me on discord @ deathblossoms or on my twitter @floralchemies.